Xu Li

Li Xu李旭

State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhong shan Road 457, Dalian 116023, China  

E-mail: li_xu@dicp.ac.cn


  • Education and Work Experiences

    2014.7-2020.7, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering. School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Southeast University, China

    2010.9-2014.6, B.S. Biomedical Engineering. School of Biomedical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, China

  • Research Interests

    My research interests include the setting-up of the nonlinear optical spectroscopy, detecting the buried interfaces of soft matters and interfacial ultrafast dynamics.


  • Honors and Awards

    (1) 2015 the Graduate Students’ Scientific Research Innovation Project of Jiangsu Province Ordinary University (SJLX15_0066). ¥ 10,000 (PI).

    (2) 03/2019 International Travel Grant to Attend 10th Edition of International Conference on Analytical Chemistry (Southeast University)

    (3) 11/2016 National Scholarship for Post-Graduate Students (Southeast University)

    (4) 04/2016 Chien-shiung Wu Biomedical Engineering Scholarship (Southeast University)

    (5) 09/2013 Scholarship of Hebei University of Technology (Hebei University of Technology)


  • Representative Publications

1) Li, X.; Lu, X.* Interfacial Irreversibly and Loosely Adsorbed Layers Abide by Different Evolution Dynamics. ACS Macro Lett. 2019, 8, 1426−1431.

2) Li, X.; Lu, X.* Evolution of Irreversibly Adsorbed Layer Promotes Dewetting of Polystyrene Film on Sapphire. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 6653−6660.

3) Li, X.; Li, B.; Zhang, X.; Li, C.; Guo, Z.; Zhou, D.; Lu, X.* Detecting Surface Hydration of Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) in Solution in situ. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 3116−3125.

4) Li, X.; Han, X.; Wang, X.; Chen, Z.*; Lu, X.* Observing Different Dynamic Behaviors of Weakly and Strongly Adsorbed Polystyrene Chains at Interfaces. Soft Matter 2018, 14, 2762−2766. (published as the communication and front cover)


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